Its been 89 days ever since I landed in this place called Hinjewadi in Pune. 89 days of 5 hours of sleep, 6 if the Gods smile at me. 89 days that have taught me what I know now, what I assumed I knew and what I never knew.
It's begun to sound like a leaf out of a cliched Bschool story now. But the fact is all BSchools tend to have the same gruelling schedule, barring some few blessed havens. A senior-junior meet, a fresher's party and numerous 'counselling' sessions with the seniors later, I can now say that the gruelling schedule is a part of Bschool life and it might actually teach you to handle situations in corporate life later. I want to laugh out loud now but this is what I would like to believe now.
Sometimes I think that before all Bschools in the country open, there must be some sort of a clan meet that is held among all BSchool administration and deciding authorities at some highly secretive place. A place where all the directors might meet, dressed in black, in eerie surroundings where they decide on the schedule for the year ahead.
Director 1: So, what is your schedule, mate?
Director 2: (tapping his fingers against the rim of a golden sword) : 18 subjects, 100 quizzes and 95% attendance
Director 1: Oh hoh! Looks like the competition has stopped competing with the best! The lambs that come to my abode will be subjected to 24 subjects, 120 quizzes and 95% attendance. Should keep them busy for the first year!
Director 2: (slowly opening his eyes) : Good to know that. But we have yet to plan for the second semester for the first year. What you heard was for the first semester!
And there was applause all around. The duel had been won.
It is funny how your imagination works overtime when you are loaded with work.
Then there are the 'surprise quizzes'. Something that will make you hate surprises for quite sometime. There is pandemonium in the class a day before the dreaded FCQ day. FCQ stands for Frequently Conducted Quizzes though more expletives are used to descibe the abbreviation now. There is a lot of nail-biting, pen scratching, underlining, rattofying and frantic memorising as a class of 20 to 25 year olds run about studying for the exam. Everyone is sure that the one subject that they have studied out of the 18 subjects is sure to come. Or atleast they pray so. Then one guy rushes in and stops just in front of the blackboard.
67 pair of eager and frantic eyes bore into him.
"Economics" he says and looks to the floor.
There is dead silence. Some might have even died if they didnt have the wonder tool called 'Pfaff'. 'Pfaff' in Bschool lingo is the amount of imagination you have multiplied by little knowledge you have of the subject. In short, it is a lot of story-telling when you have no clue what to write.
When the paper is distributed, all of us are silent for quite a while. Then there is a giggle somehwere. Followed by a chuckle. And before you know it, the whole class is laughing.
The exam official smirks, then shooes us into writing the exam.
There is a lot more I can write on this practically non-existent blog. But I heard someone say there is a quiz tomorrow....
inspite of all the grueling schedules and the boring sessions that u explained, i could c that u r enjoying ur life there! u couldnt hide it! :)
and the post was, as usual - very nice! :)
Yeah, I am liking it here. Call it method in the madness effect or whatever. :)